Friday, October 15, 2004

Knock.... knock?

Hey everyone... hehe all two of you. Just wondering, how's ya'll doin'? School? Extracurricular activities? Political points? Did either of you see the Sean Hannity talk/show thing here at UVSC? It was pretty interesting and it's times like those that I wish I was more politically inclined so that'd I would know more of what he was talking about. Who's going to be elected? It looks like it'll be another Bush-Gore thing again, but the result may be different. I think I'll be surprised if either of them win for some weird reason... The Marching Band is going to Pocatello on Saturday! And then we come back and perform at MV all in the same day. Is Rachel coming to see at us MV? Just wondering, are other local marching bands going to come and play at MV also? Is it a competition or just a show? Anyway, go Pep Band! You're both going to the game tonight right? BTW does anyone know if there are more people out there that we might be able to suck down into our little forum type-thing? It'd be fun to see how many people we'd be able to get blogging. Unless we just don't really want to make the effort or don't really care... which is ok too. I might know of a few people. Well, see ya'll either tonight or later! Have fun and good luck.

1 comment:

Noelle said...

Nah, I didn't see the Sean Hannity thingy. But I've heard it was good. I'm not sure who will win. I'm pretty sure it'll be a toss-up. I'm not sure I really care who is elected. If Bush wins, then we'll have a better country for at least a little while. If Kerry wins, then we'll be much closer to the 2nd coming than I thought we were, and I might actually see it in my lifetime. (see my personal blog for details) ( I believe.) I think it'd be a great idea to see if we can get as many people as possible. I tried at the beginning of this whole endeavor, but no one seemed interested except for you two fine people. Well, I'd better move on to the rest of the activities planned for the most perfect weekend EVER!! hehehe