Sunday, October 22, 2006

About Band, Phchess, and Norway

So how do you all think the band is sounding this year? Is it fun? Do you play fun music? For me, percussion is okay, but far more mediocre than the last 2 years, where everything we did was fun. Other than that, the music is good. I liked playing the sweet Toms part for my percussion ensemble. That was fun!

Phchess - What's going on with that game? I know I shouldn't be asking this, I am one of the makers of this game, but whatever. I heard that some of the people wanted to make it an official club. What do you think of that? Should we change the name as to not have so much confusion? I just think it would be really weird.

Norway!!! Jeannine (....nnnn.n.n...n) says hi to you all. (She's Bryan(from Norway)'s long lost sister. So there really isn't a question here about Norway or anything. I just wanted to say Norway is awesome!!!



Bugler921 said...

Hola! The band seems to be doing pretty well! We've got strong players all around that know how to play their music. All we need to do is become one band with one sound and the sky will be the limit. Listen listen listen (listen listen... listen listen) with no squeaker or squeaken (squeaken) and we'll be set =)

I don't quite understand Phchess, because I decided to get sleepy while Orange and Thom were going at it on the bus and I don't learn well in the subconscious mode.

Norway rocks! I decided to visit there this weekend and I'll come home to good ol' Orem on Monday for school. I got ticketed when I parked my Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang car I drove across the ocean in the wrong fajord, but that's ok. Well, have a great week!

The Viking, Sir Kinfluck the Blonde

Noelle said...

I love band. I especially love our trumpet section; we're all friends, and that's cool :D Oh, Phchess...well, I think it'd be awesome to have our picture in the yearbook, for to remember forever, and I know Austin's really been buggin us to have an official I dunno. We don't have to make it official if you don't want to. I just thought it'd be an easy step to having Phchess live on forever hehe. Oh, and we need to talk about the Bishop/Sinner rule.

Breezy said...

What about the bishop/sinner rule?

Rachy Rach said...

The band is freaking awesome! It's even better because I'm not in it. :D Seriously though, you guys sound awesome every time I hear you!

Phchess is pretty awesome... from the one time I've seen.

And Norway's pretty cool too.