Thursday, March 01, 2007

Your list?

Ok, everyone name the top 3 things they've ever done with friends. Preferably for free.


Natalie said...

Crashed a stake dance!!!

Natalie said...

...and various other laugh-inducing activities. I'll have to think about it.

soccerball said...

Hmm. . . I think dancing in Jamba Juice ranks pretty high up there. Also, there's this weird adrenaline rush when you realized that you and a friend (both girls) accidently walked in to a boys' bathroom. Although I wouldn't suggest that anyone try it.

Noelle said...

Hm...favorite things...

3. Ultimate Frisbee
2. Making cardboard men
1. Pretty much everything we've done recently...haha

Bugler921 said...

Hmm... I'd have to say hiking Mt. Timpanogos and going on band tour/s. Also, those great times to just hang out, like during All-State, any random parties, marching band... Trek was pretty cool too.

Natalie said...

Three words: Snowman Judging Committee. (But I guess that wasn't quite free...oh by the way I still owe you money)

Sir Radish said...

One: i.e. Deacon's/Teacher's/Priest's Quorum- I love being able to see so many of my friends (in and out of the quorums) come to learn more of, and really love, the Gospel with me, whereas it used to be perceived as a chore that was only expected to be done.
Another: Browsing around at Temple Square with a little group of friends during 9th grade RHSMUN which seems like another lifetime ago by now...
The other: hmmm... sorry, but I haven't remembered the other one yet.

Andrew said...

1) Crashed what we thought was a wedding reception - turns out it was a work party.
2) Made Jell-o in brain-shaped molds and had speed-eating contests.
3) Midnight swimming in local wading pools.

-Andrew (doesn't work in produce)